Printer Friendly Version Appointment system @ 16 August 2018 02:41 PM

ALL APPLICANTS for services offered by the Consular and Visa section of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Tehran NEED TO MAKE APPOINTMENT to submit their applications.

APPOINTMENT for lodging applications for visas and all other consular services are made BY THE EMBASSY'S E-MAIL AND BY PHONE. 

The Embassy strongly recommends applying for the appointment well ahead of time (at least one week before).
WHEN APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT the applicant has to submit the following information to the Embassy:
1. Name, surname
2. kind of requested service (visa, superlegalization of documents, etc.)
3. valid personal telephone number and email address.

Please note that the allocated APPOINTMENT DATE and TIME IS NOT NEGOTIABLE and the applicant always receives the first available time slot.
PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME for your appointment at the Embassy, otherwise you will be denied access to the Embassy and you will have to make a new appointment.